Disclaimer Form.
Things you need to know before you start:-
During Clark Rubbers Business hours, parking is not permitted within the Clark Rubber area and I will ensure that my vehicle/s are parked other than in the notified bays immediately outside Clark Rubber, that is parking will take place in Windorah Street, or in Bunnings car park during these times
Private Lessons and Group Class course fees must be paid in full on or before the commencement of the course and after this point, is non refundable
If a private lesson has been booked, we require 48 hours notice of cancellation or postponement of this private lesson. Failure to do so, a charge of the full fee of the lesson will be applied as well as your regular time slot could be taken by another student. If you are not prepared to accept this condition, please do not book a private lesson. Our coaches are heavily booked and cannot be left standing when there would be others who would like that time.
Learn2Dance, its officers, agents, employees and proprietors may take photographs, video and digital recordings or any other visual or audio recordings while classes are running. Learn2Dance reserves the right to use these in any medium, including the website, brochures, social media channels for marketing purposes only.
At times, Learn2Dance sends information via email or text for your upcoming classes and information about what is happening at L2D
When attending any of our services you acknowledge, understand and agree that you take full responsibility for your own health and wellbeing at all times throughout. You agree that:
You are participating in the class(es) and other activities with the Academy voluntarily. You understand that our offered services are not a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment.
It is your responsibility to notify the instructor of any serious illness or injury that might impact your physical practice.
In the case where you have an injury, sickness or anything else that may be affected by physical activity, you confirm that you will have consulted with a physician to ensure that you can participate in the physical aspects of the services.
You will assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries, or damages (known and unknown) which you might incur as a result of your choice to participate. If you have any doubts, we strongly urge you to seek expert advice before starting and at any subsequent time.
Our staff and contractors are not medically trained. They are not qualified to assess if you are in good physical condition and can participate in the class(es) without risking your health, safety or comfort.
You agree that neither the Academy, nor any facility our services may take place in, nor the Academy’s employees, officers or contractors are liable for any injuries or damages to person or property, resulting from your participation.
I declare that the above information is true. In consideration of my participation at Learn2Dance,
I shall and hereby do for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns agree to expressly assume all risk or loss of, or damage or injury to my person or property and release and agree to indemnify and save harmless the studio principals and clients of the Learn2Dance, their members, officers, claims, losses and expenses, howsoever they maybe caused and whether or not caused by their negligence, including costs, attorney's fees, arising directly or indirectly from my participation in this studio